5 Reasons Why Islam is the Best Way of Life

January 9, 2025
5 Reasons Why Islam is the Best Way of Life
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Imagine a light that is guiding you through the darkest nights. Its warm glow offers you comfort and safety as you struggle to navigate through a world filled with difficult questions that somehow you hold the answers to. However, this light that offers this gentle embrace, this light that seems to guide us to the answers that are within ourselves is nothing but the light of Islam—a gift from Allah (SWT), the Creator, to all of humanity. Islam is that religion that offers you a newfound way of life. Through it, Allah (SWT) gives us purpose, peace, and guidance, showing us how to navigate the challenges of this world and prepare for the next. 

But, what are these defining characteristics that make Islam so special for us? What sets it apart as the greatest gift we could ever receive? In this article, we will explore the unique qualities of Islam and experience why it’s a blessing like no other. 

  1. This is a faith where your entire worship is dedicated to one being, and that is Allah (SWT): At its core, Islam teaches us to worship Allah (SWT)—the One who created us, sustains us, and knows us better than we know ourselves. Worship in Islam isn’t just about praying five times a day, or staying up until long hours of the night in Ramadhan, or fasting for 30 days. To worship Allah (SWT) is to acknowledge Him in every aspect of our lives. From our daily prayers to our acts of kindness, everything we do becomes meaningful when we do it for Him, and Him alone.
    Allah (SWT) says in the Quran, “O humanity! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you may become mindful of Him (The Clear Quran®, 2:21).”  When we worship Allah (SWT), we find peace. We’re reminded that we’re not alone and that our Creator is always there, guiding us.
    The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed us the best way to worship, making it easy to follow in his footsteps. Whether it’s praying, fasting, or giving charity, Islam gives us clear guidance to connect with Allah (SWT) in the most beautiful way. 

  1. Your religion prioritizes knowledge: Islam encourages us to seek knowledge and never stop learning. Whether it’s understanding our faith, exploring the wonders of nature, or finding ways to improve ourselves, gaining knowledge is a central part of being a Muslim.
    Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran, “So, know well, O Prophet, that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah. And seek forgiveness for your shortcomings and for the sins of the believing men and women.
    For Allah truly knows your movements and places of rest O people (The Clear Quran®, 47:19).” The Prophet (SAW) has also mentioned that seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim. 

  1. Islam gives you valuable lessons for a meaningful life: One of the most powerful aspects of Islam is how it shapes us as individuals. It teaches us to be generous, patient, kind, and courageous, while also reminding us to care for the world around us—both people and nature. Imagine: even if you give half a date in charity to someone that could potentially save you from the infernos of Hell. When you observe a high level of patience, the rewards you obtain in this world and in the next are unfathomable. For any act of kindness that you show, whether it is large or small, Allah (SWT) has given a reward for it. 

  1. Islam guarantees a better you: A well-known narration of Wahshi and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a prime example of this. Wahshi was the killer of the Prophet (SAW)’s most beloved uncle, Hamza, who was killed because of Wahshi’s spear during the Battle of Uhud. After a while, the weight of his actions began to sink in on Wahshi’s heart, and he fled to take refuge in Taif. Eventually, he came to stand before the Prophet (SAW), seeking forgiveness and wanting to embrace Islam. With his heart still broken because of the grief that followed the martyrdom of his uncle, the Prophet (SAW) still forgave Wahshi and accepted his desire to convert to Islam. As a result, Wahshi went on to become a ferocious warrior in some of the strongest military operations in Islam to expand the religion. Another important lesson that one can obtain from this story is that no matter what stage you are at in life, it is never too late to turn your life around in Islam. 

  2. Every generation will benefit from this faith: It is incredible how the lessons and values that were presented in the Quran over 1,400 years ago are still relevant to society today. Whether you’re dealing with questions from the past, challenges in the present, or uncertainties about the future, Islam will always provide the answers. The Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) give us a proper framework to resolve issues, no matter how complex they may be. 

When we are born Muslims, it is easy for us to take this beautiful religion for granted. This is why it’s critical for us to take a moment to stop, reflect, and truly appreciate that indeed we are the best ones who have been blessed with the perfect religion, the perfect book, and the most perfect role models. Truly, Islam is a light in the darkness, a source of peace in the chaotic world, and a path that leads us to success in this life and the next. Let’s cherish this gift, live by it, and share its beauty with others. Want to connect deeper with your faith? Check out some of these select reads from Furqaan Bookstore! 

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