Have you ever wondered how mysterious life really is after death? It’s a place of eternal rest but also the beginning of what lies ahead for us until the Day of Judgment. For many, the thought of the grave or the thought of death brings about a great fear because we often don’t know what will happen to us in the grave. Even the most devout of Muslims can be seen in a state of anxiety on ensuring that whatever actions they perform or words they utter will be beneficial to their akhirah, and the state of their grave. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran, “He is the One Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving (The Clear Quran®, 67:2).”
But what exactly happens in the grave? Why does a mere mention of it evoke such fear, even among the pious? And how can we prepare ourselves as we inch closer and closer to this chapter of life? We seek to answer these questions below!
To describe the conditions of the grave, Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), explains in detail in a hadith, “O the servants of Allah! The state in the grave of a person whose sins are not forgiven is more horrifying than death itself. Fear it’s (grave’s) narrowness, it’s squeezing, it’s imprisonment, and it’s loneliness. Verily the grave calls out daily: I am the house of loneliness, of terror and worms. Grave is like a garden of Paradise for a good doer, while it is like a dungeon of hell for the evil-doer. Allah tells His enemies that He will send 99 serpents in their graves, who will tear their flesh and smash their bones, and this punishment will continue till the outbreak of Qayammat. If one of the serpents exhales towards this earth, all plants and trees will be destroyed. O servants of Allah! Your souls are tender, and your bodies delicate, you cannot confront any ordinary serpent of this world, how will you face them?”
Further, a companion of the Prophet (SAW), Uthman ibn Affan, would weep bitterly every time he would pass by a grave. This would surprise many as the Prophet (SAW) in hadith mentions that Uthman was granted Paradise. When he asked why he would weep in such a way that his beard would become wet, Uthman responded, “The Messenger of Allah has said, ‘Verily, the grave is the first stage of the Hereafter. If one is saved from it, whatever comes after will be easier for him. If one is not saved from it, whatever comes after will be harder for him. I have never seen anything more frightening than the grave.”
With the vast knowledge that Imam Ali held, and with what the Prophet (SAW) reminded Uthman, both were overwhelmed by the severity of preparing oneself properly to rest peacefully in the grave. This reminds us that the fear of the grave is not irrational but deeply rooted in the teachings of Islam.
The Prophet (SAW) has urged us, “Seek the refuge of Allah from the punishment of the grave.” So, always keep in your mind that we humans indeed were not made for this world, but for the eternal world, and to ensure a smooth and painless transition, we must dedicate ourselves to righteousness and steadfastness.
Keeping in mind the hadith of Imam Ali, here are some other events that will happen in our graves. There are two significant moments we must remember: the questioning in the grave, and the narrowness of the grave.
On the first night of our burial, when we are alone and our loved ones have departed from the cemetery, we will be visited by two angels: Munkir and Nakir. There, they will ask us three critical questions:
Who is your Lord?
What is your Religion?
Who is your Prophet?
According to Abu Huraira, the Prophet (SAW) has described these two angels to appear black and blue. These questions seem simple enough, right? However, our ability to answer these questions confidently depends solely on the imaan that we have, and whether or not our actions in this dunya have also testified to knowing who is our Lord, our religion, and our Prophet.
Within this same hadith, the Prophet (SAW) explains that the person in question will give one of two responses. If they were a true believer and their lifestyle and actions reflected their beliefs, they will say, “[I] am the servant of Allah and His Messenger, I bear witness there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and His messenger.” Upon hearing this, the two angels will respond with, “We knew you would say this!” Then, the grave of the person will be expanded by 70 cubits on each side, the space will be illuminated, and they will tell them, “Sleep!” However, if a person was a hypocrite, they would say, “I heard people saying something, so I said the same as them, for I do not know!” Munkir and Nakir will then say, “We knew you would say that!” Then, the earth will be told to constrict the person together by squeezing their ribs, and from here will begin their eternal punishment until Allah (SWT) resurrects them on the Day of Judgment.
This hadith from the Prophet (SAW) reminds us that no matter where we are in the world, no matter how wealthy we are, no matter how powerful we are, we can never escape from the throes of death and from the harsh reality of the grave. It is also a serious wake-up call for us to pay closer attention to what we are doing, and lead righteous lives so Allah (SWT) is pleased with us.
So, how do we prepare for the grave? The answer is simple: adhere strictly to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). These two weighty things offer significant guidance on how we can lead excellent day-to-day lives, and how we can overcome the darkest of trials. Remember, Allah (SWT) is Merciful and His Mercy knows no bounds which is why when you make a sincere effort to abide by the regulations of Islam, He will always take notice of it and appreciate it. He does not punish anyone unjustly, and He has given us a lifetime of opportunities to sincerely repent and turn towards Him. Additionally, being more familiar with what will happen in the grave is also a great way for us to remain alert and keep this reality within our subconscious.
Here are some books from Furqaan Bookstore that provide more details on life after death in the grave, and how you can best prepare for it:
- The Soul’s Journey After Death — Ibn Al Qayyim
- Death and Dying — Ahmad H. Sakr
- For Those Left Behind… Guidance on Death and Grieving — Omar Suleiman
- Al-Ghazali on the Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife — The Islamic Texts Society
- Overcoming the Fear of Death and Illness — Dr. Muhammad Abu Rahim