
“Superheroes of Islam” is a book series that portrays the lives of past Muslim Heroes through the lenses of a young author. The book series intends to teach and give children a sense of pride in Islamic Heritage and use the lives of the Rightly Guided Leaders and Sahabas as an example of true heroes to follow. The first book of the series reveals a little bit about the life of the first Khalifa, and the lessons we should learn from his life.

“Superheroes of Islam” is a book series that portrays the lives of past Muslim Heroes through the lenses of a young author. The book series intends to teach and give children a sense of pride in Islamic Heritage and use the lives of the Rightly Guided Leaders and Sahabas as an example of true heroes to follow. The first book of the series reveals a little bit about the life of the first Khalifa, and the lessons we should learn from his life.

Djarabi Kitabs Publishing by Djarabi Kitabs Publishing

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq - Superheroes of Islam

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SKU: FBB8658 | UPC/ISBN/GTIN: 9781947148376
Width: 8.5 | Height: 8.5 | Depth: 0.1

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