

Author: Dr. B. Salem Foad
Publisher: Vantage Press
Pages: 256 Binding: Hardcover

There will come a day when all of mankind will stand before God awaiting His final judgment. In writing this book, Dr. Foad has attempted to raise the reader’s level of God-consciousness before that awesome day arrives. He has tried to demonstrate that it is not for man to judge that fate of others; accountability beings only to the Lord.

Throughout our lives, we will be challenged by many tests and trials. It is through this process that we learn from our mistakes and evolve into better human beings. By presenting irrefutable evidence from the Noble Quran, Dr. Foad has accomplished this in a most articulate manner.


Author: Dr. B. Salem Foad
Publisher: Vantage Press
Pages: 256 Binding: Hardcover

There will come a day when all of mankind will stand before God awaiting His final judgment. In writing this book, Dr. Foad has attempted to raise the reader’s level of God-consciousness before that awesome day arrives. He has tried to demonstrate that it is not for man to judge that fate of others; accountability beings only to the Lord.

Throughout our lives, we will be challenged by many tests and trials. It is through this process that we learn from our mistakes and evolve into better human beings. By presenting irrefutable evidence from the Noble Quran, Dr. Foad has accomplished this in a most articulate manner.

Vantage Press by Vantage Press


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