
Are you ready for a great journey? Color the pages, whether at home or at school, on your own, with friends or family. Paste stickers, spell puppets, answer questions and play with sudoku. Learn while having fun! When you've finished painting, hang your masterpiece anywhere. In your own free world, enjoy your childhood! These books, prepared according to the interests and needs of children, in accordance with the pre-school curriculum;
Are you ready for a great journey? Color the pages, whether at home or at school, on your own, with friends or family. Paste stickers, spell puppets, answer questions and play with sudoku. Learn while having fun! When you've finished painting, hang your masterpiece anywhere. In your own free world, enjoy your childhood! These books, prepared according to the interests and needs of children, in accordance with the pre-school curriculum;
Furqaan Bookstore by Furqaan Bookstore

Aktiviteli Upuzuuun Boyama Kitabim Seti (Coloring Book Set)

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SKU: FBB7038 | UPC/ISBN/GTIN: 978-6053050223
Width: 10.0 | Height: 9.0 | Depth: 1.0

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