

The Muwaá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­a' contains a record of the exemplification by the last Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, of the message of the Qur'Ä n, the practice ('amal) of the people of MadÄ «nah of the first generations, a transmission of the ethos that permeated the city, and ImÄ m MÄ lik's painstaking clarification of the Sunna, the á ¸ ¥adÄ «ths, the practice and legal judgements. Ash-ShÄ fi'Ä « said, "After the Book of Allah, there is no book on the face of the earth sounder than the book of MÄ lik." 'AlÄ ' ad-DÄ «n Maghlaá ¹ ­Ã„ y al-á ¸ ¤anafÄ « said, "The first person to compile the á ¹ £aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥ was MÄ lik." Ibn á ¸ ¤ajar said, "The book of MÄ lik is sound by all the criteria that are demanded as proofs in the mursal, munqaá ¹ ­i' and other types of transmission." As-SuyÃ… «Ã¡ ¹ ­Ã„ « followed Ibn á ¸ ¤ajar's judgement and said, "It is absolutely correct to say that the Muwaá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­a' is sound (á ¹ £aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥) without exception." Al-BukhÄ rÄ « and Muslim transmitted most of its á ¸ ¥adÄ «ths and included them in their á ¹ ¢aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥ collections. The authors of the rest of the six books, the ImÄ m of the á ¸ ¥adÄ «th scholars, Aá ¸ ¥mad ibn á ¸ ¤anbal, and others did the same.


The Muwaá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­a' contains a record of the exemplification by the last Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, of the message of the Qur'Ä n, the practice ('amal) of the people of MadÄ «nah of the first generations, a transmission of the ethos that permeated the city, and ImÄ m MÄ lik's painstaking clarification of the Sunna, the á ¸ ¥adÄ «ths, the practice and legal judgements. Ash-ShÄ fi'Ä « said, "After the Book of Allah, there is no book on the face of the earth sounder than the book of MÄ lik." 'AlÄ ' ad-DÄ «n Maghlaá ¹ ­Ã„ y al-á ¸ ¤anafÄ « said, "The first person to compile the á ¹ £aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥ was MÄ lik." Ibn á ¸ ¤ajar said, "The book of MÄ lik is sound by all the criteria that are demanded as proofs in the mursal, munqaá ¹ ­i' and other types of transmission." As-SuyÃ… «Ã¡ ¹ ­Ã„ « followed Ibn á ¸ ¤ajar's judgement and said, "It is absolutely correct to say that the Muwaá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­a' is sound (á ¹ £aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥) without exception." Al-BukhÄ rÄ « and Muslim transmitted most of its á ¸ ¥adÄ «ths and included them in their á ¹ ¢aá ¸ ¥Ã„ «Ã¡ ¸ ¥ collections. The authors of the rest of the six books, the ImÄ m of the á ¸ ¥adÄ «th scholars, Aá ¸ ¥mad ibn á ¸ ¤anbal, and others did the same.

Diwan Press by Diwan Press

Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik – Arabic English

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