

En Islam, les prescriptions du fiqh (le licite, l'illicite, le recommandé, etc.) trouve sa base dans les textes (le Coran et la Sunna). Dans Bulûgh al-Marâm, le grand traditionniste ben Hajar expose les plus importants hadith du fiqh, et ce en se basant surtout sur les ouvrages de traditions suivants : Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Bukhâri, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawûd, Sunanat-Tirmidhi, Sunan an Nasâ'i, et Sunan Ibn Mâja. Le lecteur trouvera près de 1600 hadith traitant des deux grandes parties du fiqh : le rituel (la prière, le jeûne, le pèlerinage, etc.) et les relations (les ventes, le mariage, les crimes et délits, etc.) Sans oublier quelques sujets divers (la piété filiale, les invocations, etc.).

In Islam, the prescriptions of fiqh (the lawful, the illicit, the recommended, etc.) find their basis in the texts (the Koran and the Sunnah). In Bulûgh al-Marâm, the great traditionist ben Hajar exposes the most important hadith of fiqh, and this is mainly based on the following works of traditions: Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Bukhâri, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawûd, Sunanat-Tirmidhi, Sunan an Nasâ'i, and Sunan Ibn Mâja. The reader will find nearly 1600 hadith dealing with the two main parts of fiqh: the ritual (prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.) and relationships (sales, marriage, crimes and misdemeanors, etc.) Not to mention a few miscellaneous subjects (filial piety, invocations, etc.).


En Islam, les prescriptions du fiqh (le licite, l'illicite, le recommandé, etc.) trouve sa base dans les textes (le Coran et la Sunna). Dans Bulûgh al-Marâm, le grand traditionniste ben Hajar expose les plus importants hadith du fiqh, et ce en se basant surtout sur les ouvrages de traditions suivants : Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Bukhâri, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawûd, Sunanat-Tirmidhi, Sunan an Nasâ'i, et Sunan Ibn Mâja. Le lecteur trouvera près de 1600 hadith traitant des deux grandes parties du fiqh : le rituel (la prière, le jeûne, le pèlerinage, etc.) et les relations (les ventes, le mariage, les crimes et délits, etc.) Sans oublier quelques sujets divers (la piété filiale, les invocations, etc.).

In Islam, the prescriptions of fiqh (the lawful, the illicit, the recommended, etc.) find their basis in the texts (the Koran and the Sunnah). In Bulûgh al-Marâm, the great traditionist ben Hajar exposes the most important hadith of fiqh, and this is mainly based on the following works of traditions: Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Bukhâri, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawûd, Sunanat-Tirmidhi, Sunan an Nasâ'i, and Sunan Ibn Mâja. The reader will find nearly 1600 hadith dealing with the two main parts of fiqh: the ritual (prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.) and relationships (sales, marriage, crimes and misdemeanors, etc.) Not to mention a few miscellaneous subjects (filial piety, invocations, etc.).

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors by Darussalam Publishers & Distributors

Boulough Al-Marâm (La Réalisation du But) - ARABE - FRANÇAIS

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SKU: FBB7363 | UPC/ISBN/GTIN: 9789960899534
Width: 5.56 | Height: 8.56 | Depth: 1.0

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