

Fatawa Rahimiyyah
By Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (Hanafi)
Translation Project Led By Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias (South Africa)
Hardback 1437 Pages
Complete 3 Volumes In 3 Books
ISBN : 9789694281474
Publisher : Darul Ishaat , Karachi, Pakistan

About The Book

This is the first reliable and authentic work on fiqh , presented in an easy to read and understandable manner. The entire work is well-documented and referenced, and well-researched. The rulings are not ambiguous.

While the ulama would benefit from it, the common man will find it very beneficial and guiding. The laws and rulings are based and established from the Quran, sunnah, ijma and qiyas of the ummah.

They are consonant with the views of the ahlus sunnah wa al-jama'ah. Most rulings are in such great detail that, by themselves, they could form booklets. This book deals with current issues too and modern deviated sects are clearly exposed.

The book of ahl ul-bid'ah, or the innovators, are quoted and their mischief are exposed proving that their own views agree with those of the ahlul haqq.

Topics covered :

  • 1. Iman (Faith & Beliefs)
  • 2. Knowledge
  • 3. Purity
  • 4. Salat
  • 5. Jana'iz (Funerals)
  • 6. Zakat
  • 7. Fasting
  • 8. I'tikaf
  • 9. Hilal (Moonsighting)
  • 10. Sadaqatul Fitr
  • 11. Hajj
  • 12. Marriage
  • 13. Divorce
  • 14. Trade
  • 15. Inheritance

About The Author

Mufti Sahib was born in the Motwar suburb of Nosari in 1902, he had a close relationship with many leading Ulema of his time such as Hadhrat Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Hadhrat Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Uthmani, Hadhrat Maulana Badre Aalam Mirati, Mufti Ateequr Rahman Uthmaani and Hadhrat Moulana Husayn who was the founder of Darul Uloom Husayniyah in Randher.

These personalities would often stay at Hadhrat Maulana's residence in Navsari, especially when travelling from Delhi to Dabhel. This soul was summoned by Allah in Jumadal Ukhra AH 1393 (July 1973).


Fatawa Rahimiyyah
By Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (Hanafi)
Translation Project Led By Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias (South Africa)
Hardback 1437 Pages
Complete 3 Volumes In 3 Books
ISBN : 9789694281474
Publisher : Darul Ishaat , Karachi, Pakistan

About The Book

This is the first reliable and authentic work on fiqh , presented in an easy to read and understandable manner. The entire work is well-documented and referenced, and well-researched. The rulings are not ambiguous.

While the ulama would benefit from it, the common man will find it very beneficial and guiding. The laws and rulings are based and established from the Quran, sunnah, ijma and qiyas of the ummah.

They are consonant with the views of the ahlus sunnah wa al-jama'ah. Most rulings are in such great detail that, by themselves, they could form booklets. This book deals with current issues too and modern deviated sects are clearly exposed.

The book of ahl ul-bid'ah, or the innovators, are quoted and their mischief are exposed proving that their own views agree with those of the ahlul haqq.

Topics covered :

  • 1. Iman (Faith & Beliefs)
  • 2. Knowledge
  • 3. Purity
  • 4. Salat
  • 5. Jana'iz (Funerals)
  • 6. Zakat
  • 7. Fasting
  • 8. I'tikaf
  • 9. Hilal (Moonsighting)
  • 10. Sadaqatul Fitr
  • 11. Hajj
  • 12. Marriage
  • 13. Divorce
  • 14. Trade
  • 15. Inheritance

About The Author

Mufti Sahib was born in the Motwar suburb of Nosari in 1902, he had a close relationship with many leading Ulema of his time such as Hadhrat Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Hadhrat Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Uthmani, Hadhrat Maulana Badre Aalam Mirati, Mufti Ateequr Rahman Uthmaani and Hadhrat Moulana Husayn who was the founder of Darul Uloom Husayniyah in Randher.

These personalities would often stay at Hadhrat Maulana's residence in Navsari, especially when travelling from Delhi to Dabhel. This soul was summoned by Allah in Jumadal Ukhra AH 1393 (July 1973).

Maktaba Rehmania by Maktaba Rehmania

Fatawa Rahimyah....in Urdu....Vol 1-- 10......فتاویٰ رحیمیّہ

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