

The only purpose for writing the life works of our pious elders is that we can develop a deep desire to acquire the degree of perfection that they had acquired and to create a link with Allah Ta’ala in the manner that they had achieved. When one reads the biography of a pious person, he should not read it merely as a biography, but he should ponder over those aspects that are manifest in the lives of those elders and use them as a practical example.

Mufti Mahmood Hasan Saahib (rahimahu allah) is a personality who needs no introduction. Hadhrat (rahimahu allah) was born on a Friday, the 8/9 Jumaadus Saani 1325. His entire life was a replica of Sayyidina Rasulullah (ﷺ). Most certainly, his life, his ways and his advices serve as a beacon of light for the Ummah. His example serves as a clear path for those who wish to strive for the sake of Deen and wish to strengthen their contact and bond with Allah Ta’ala.

He was a personality who achieved excellence in all facets of Deen. Together with being a Mufti, he was also an author, lecturer, teacher, administrator and a mentor for the Ummah. He was also involved in Da’wah and Tabligh.

This book discusses the details of his life, highlighting his strict adherence to the Sunnah of Rasulullah (ﷺ).


The only purpose for writing the life works of our pious elders is that we can develop a deep desire to acquire the degree of perfection that they had acquired and to create a link with Allah Ta’ala in the manner that they had achieved. When one reads the biography of a pious person, he should not read it merely as a biography, but he should ponder over those aspects that are manifest in the lives of those elders and use them as a practical example.

Mufti Mahmood Hasan Saahib (rahimahu allah) is a personality who needs no introduction. Hadhrat (rahimahu allah) was born on a Friday, the 8/9 Jumaadus Saani 1325. His entire life was a replica of Sayyidina Rasulullah (ﷺ). Most certainly, his life, his ways and his advices serve as a beacon of light for the Ummah. His example serves as a clear path for those who wish to strive for the sake of Deen and wish to strengthen their contact and bond with Allah Ta’ala.

He was a personality who achieved excellence in all facets of Deen. Together with being a Mufti, he was also an author, lecturer, teacher, administrator and a mentor for the Ummah. He was also involved in Da’wah and Tabligh.

This book discusses the details of his life, highlighting his strict adherence to the Sunnah of Rasulullah (ﷺ).

Zam Zam Publishers by Zam Zam Publishers

Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi - His Life and Works

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