

Author: Murad Hofmann
Publisher: Amana Publications
Pages: 72 Binding: Paperback

This remarkable book examining the relationship between Islam and the West was written by the acclaimed author of "Islam the Alternative." This book presents the challenges Islam is up against - from within and without - and offers an analysis of what Muslims must to do rejuvenate their religion, and what both Muslims and the West must do to avoid a showdown.


Author: Murad Hofmann
Publisher: Amana Publications
Pages: 72 Binding: Paperback

This remarkable book examining the relationship between Islam and the West was written by the acclaimed author of "Islam the Alternative." This book presents the challenges Islam is up against - from within and without - and offers an analysis of what Muslims must to do rejuvenate their religion, and what both Muslims and the West must do to avoid a showdown.

amana publications by amana publications

Islam 2000

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SKU: FBB0368 | UPC/ISBN/GTIN: 9780915957705
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