

Telling the too-long untold story of the Iranian poet Omer Khayyam, one of the most deeply misunderstood artists and scientists in Eastern history, it harnesses a literary ocean into a slim volume. Yalsizucanlar offers his story in a novel format, a narrow spiral staircase downward into the mind of one of the great geniuses of the East. In a cryptic style of cutting-edge Turkish literature, this text never reads the same way twice, and becomes only more complex as more subtleties which were previously lost in the corner of the readerÂ’s eye are illuminated.


Telling the too-long untold story of the Iranian poet Omer Khayyam, one of the most deeply misunderstood artists and scientists in Eastern history, it harnesses a literary ocean into a slim volume. Yalsizucanlar offers his story in a novel format, a narrow spiral staircase downward into the mind of one of the great geniuses of the East. In a cryptic style of cutting-edge Turkish literature, this text never reads the same way twice, and becomes only more complex as more subtleties which were previously lost in the corner of the readerÂ’s eye are illuminated.

Timas by Timas


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