
معانية وبين الأحكام التي لايحتوي عليها وجاء لها بالأدلة الشرعية وبين آراء أصحاب المذهب الحنفي

This is the work of Shaykh Abd al-Ghani al-Ghunaymi al-Maydani al-Hanafi al-Damashqi (1222/1807-1298/1881), the famous jurist. This is his commentary on the Mukhtasar of al-Quduri, 'al-Lubab', a work on Hanafi fiqh. 3 volumes in one book. Research and Editing of Abd al-Razaq Mahdi.
معانية وبين الأحكام التي لايحتوي عليها وجاء لها بالأدلة الشرعية وبين آراء أصحاب المذهب الحنفي

This is the work of Shaykh Abd al-Ghani al-Ghunaymi al-Maydani al-Hanafi al-Damashqi (1222/1807-1298/1881), the famous jurist. This is his commentary on the Mukhtasar of al-Quduri, 'al-Lubab', a work on Hanafi fiqh. 3 volumes in one book. Research and Editing of Abd al-Razaq Mahdi.
Darul Kitab al Arabi by Darul Kitab al Arabi

Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab (3 vol in 1) اللباب في شرح الكتاب

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SKU: FBB9308 | UPC/ISBN/GTIN: 9789953270012
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