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Sirat-Un-Nabi (Life of the Prophet) is considered one of the most famous and authentic biographies of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This book is baseed on 12 Speeches on Seerah of Prophet Mohammed SAW by Syed Shah Liaqat Hussain Qadri Chishti RA, collected his manuscripts and had them published.


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Sirat-Un-Nabi (Life of the Prophet) is considered one of the most famous and authentic biographies of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This book is baseed on 12 Speeches on Seerah of Prophet Mohammed SAW by Syed Shah Liaqat Hussain Qadri Chishti RA, collected his manuscripts and had them published.

Bab Ul Ilm by Bab Ul Ilm

Seerat Syyedna Khatim Un Nabiyyeen....سیرۃ سیدنا خاتم النبیین محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم

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